FR 001: Elementary French I
FR 002: Elementary French II
FR 003: Intermediate French
FR 111/112: Elementary French sequence
FR 137: Global Paris
FR 138N: French Culture through Film
FR 139: France and the French Speaking World
FR 197: Special Topics
FR 201: Oral Communication and Reading Comprehension
FR 202: Grammar and Composition
FR 316: French Linguistics
FR 331: French Culture and Civilization I
FR 332: French Culture and Civilization II
FR 351: Introduction to French Literature I: Selected Works from the Middle Ages to 1789.
FR 352: Introduction to French Literature II: Selected Works from 1789 to the present.
FR 401: Advanced Oral Communication
FR 402Y: Advanced Grammar and Writing
FR 409: French for the Professions
FR 410: French Press
FR 417: French Phonology
FR 418: French Syntax
FR419: French Semantics
FR 430: Contemporary France
FR 440: Teaching of Romance Languages
FR 445Y: Self and Society in Eighteenth-Century France
FR 452Y: Nineteenth-Century French Literature
FR 453Y: La Belle Epoque: Politics, Society, and Culture in France, 1880-1914
FR 475: Women’s History in Post-Revolutionary France
FR 460: Contemporary French Literature
FR 470: Race and Gender Issues in Literature in French
FR 497A: French and Francophone Theater
FR 497B: French for Global Health