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Recent Presentations at National and International Conferences

Recent Presentations at National and International Conferences

Emma Rossby, “‘The City is our Playground:’ Co-Creating Visual Identities
through Participatory Art in Brussels.” The 20th and 21st-Century French
and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, Philadelphia, PA.
February 22-24, 2024.

JoAnn Michel, “From Survival to ‘Thrival:’ How Women Blackademics Transform Necessity into Spaces of Community, ” as part of the “Resilience, Failure and Academic Identity” WGSS Roundtable. Northeast Modern Language Association Conference, Buffalo, NY. March 2023.

Katie Ellis, “Does Trauma Have a Race? The Role of French Imperialism in Conceptualizing Trauma and Recovery in Western Medicine (1914-1919),” Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Charlotte, NC, March 2022. 

Timothée Valentin, “Black M Cancelled at Verdun: Excluding Rap from French Memorialization,”  Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Charlotte, NC, March 2022.

Marina Dikosso, “Exilés malgré eux : Déracinement et identité dans Le Silence des Chagos de Shenaz Patel.” Northern Eastern Modern Language Association, Baltimore, MD, March 2022.

Ryan Pilcher, “Hereditary Will: The (Bio-)Social Contract in Lamarck’s Philosophie zoologique (1809).” Modern Languages Association 2022 Conference; Washington D.C., January 2022

Emma Rossby, “Still Heroes, Moving Parts. Interactivity Redefined in Exaheva’s 2021 Digital Comic Installation,” Women in French Postgraduate and Early Career Researcher International Symposium (virtual), January 2022.

Ryan Pilcher, “Feelings in the Field: A Case for Affect Theory.” Modern Languages Association 2021 Conference; Virtual Conference, January 2021.

Ryan Pilcher, “Sentimental Sympathy and Paternalistic Power: Race in Aglaé Comte’s Histoire naturelle racontée à la jeunesse.” Nineteenth-Century French Studies 2020 Conference; Washington D.C., October 2021.

Emma Rossby, “Aux limites de l’imagination: Graphic Fabulation in Francophone Bande Dessinée,” The Twentieth and Twenty-First-Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium (virtual), March 2021.  

Eric Disbro, “Archipelagic Affects: Trans Visibility Politics from Francophone Literature to the Francophone Studies Classroom.” Women in French Panel, South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference (virtual), November 2020.

Timothée Valentin, Des martyres silencieuses: l’engagement féminin dans le mouvement ouvrier guadeloupéen (1892–1914)”, Black Feminisms in a French (Post-) Imperial Context? Histories, Experiences, Theories, Paris, France, March 3, 2020

Aaron Witcher, “Penser la zone de contact et sa matérialité: les espaces de contre-culture dans Tropique de la violence de Nathacha Appanah,” Écotones 3, Océan Indien: écotones, zones de contact et tiers-espaces, Saint-Denis, Réunion, June 2018.

Laurie DuBois, “Entre enchantement et didactisme: un livre de lecture courante sous la Troisième République.” Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium, Sarasota, FL, October, 2019.

Marie Paillard, “Transgenerational transmission and exploration in Marie-Célie Agnant’s La dot de Sara.” African/Disporat Migrations, Displacements and Movements: Histories, Politics and Poetics Conference, Howard University, Washington, DC, October, 2019.

Timothée Valentin, “The Tale of Hégesippe-Jean Légitimus, Black Guadeloupean Socialist of the Belle Epoque,” Western Society for French Historical Studies, Bozeman, MT, October, 2019.

Morgane Haesen, “Abbot Massenet’s ‘Mon journal de guerre!! 1914-1919’: Navigating Civilian Public and Private Life in Mécleuves, Lorraine.” Western Society for French Historical Studies, Bozeman, MT, October, 2019.

Elizabeth Tuttle, “’Tract Warfare’”: Vietnamese Anti-Colonial Activism at the 1931 Exposition Coloniale,” Western Society for French Historical Studies, Bozeman, MT, October, 2019.

 Elizabeth Tuttle, “Ethics in the Archives: A Discussion of Research Methodology,” Contemporary French Civilization(s) Conference, Tucson, AZ, August, 2019.

Timothée Valentin, “‘Des autres histoires’: The Role of Literature in the Construction of Guadeloupean History.” Contemporary French Civilization(s) Conference, Tucson, AZ, August, 2019.

Eric Disbro, “‘Peaulitique’ queer des corps polynésiens : pouvoir décolonial d’une poétique trans-(genre) des rae-raes.” Congrès du Conseil International d’Études Francophones, Ottawa, Canada, June, 2019.

Andrew Jones, “Le visage de l’intruse: le refus du regard caméra postcolonial.” Conseil International d’Études Francophones (CIÉF), Ottawa, Canada, June  2019.

Morgane Haesen, “L’abbé Faller ou l’abbé-historien Faller. Joseph Faller et le Musée Militaire de Mars-la-Tour.” Society For French Historical Studies Conference, Indianapolis, IN, April, 2019.

Katharine Hargrave, “Good Griffe! Moncrif and his Cat-egorical Denunciation of The Académie Royale de Musique.” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference (ASECS), Denver, CO, March, 2019.

Ryan Pilcher, “Adultery and Angry Men: Affect and Accumulation in Mademoiselle Giraud, ma femme.” Popular Culture Association National Conference, Washington D.C; April, 2019.

Andrew Jones, “Cinematic Testimony of Betrayal: Mihăileanu’s Trahir (1993).” Betrayal / Trahison: NYU Institute of French Studies Graduate Conference, NY, NY, November, 2018.

Johann Le Guelte, “A War of Images: Photography, Colonial Propaganda, and Anti-Imperialism in Interwar France.” French Colonial Historical Society conference, Seattle WA, June 2018.

Eric Disbro, “Énonciation corporelle de la résistance: métamorphoses et revendications queers dans l’oeuvre d’Ananda Devi.” International Colloquium for 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies, Providence, RI, April 2018.

Johann Le Guelte,”“Photography, Identity, and Migration: Controlling Colonial Migrants in Interwar France and Senegal.” Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2018.

Timothée Valentin, “«Le people indigène se lève à son tour» : Emeute et tensions raciales dans la Guadeloupe de la fin du XIXe siècle.” Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2018.

Johann Le Guelte. “Expériences coolies: Étude d’une stratégie de l’empire.” Western Society for French History conference, Reno NV, November 2017.

Vieux Touré, “Religious Blind Spots of Negritude: the Ethical Dimensions.” Valorizing African Cultural Heritage: Colonial Fantasies, Decolonial Futures, International Symposium of the Dakar Institute of African Studies, Dakar, Senegal, July 2017.

Marie Paillard, “Décentrer le regard, repenser le monde : expressions de la créolisation dans Les voyages et aventures de Sanjay, explorateur mauricien des Anciens Mondes d’Amal Sewtohul”. International Colloquium for 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies, Bloomington, IN, April 2017.

Vieux Touré, “African Identities: Between Afropolitanism and Afroperenialism.” The Diaspora and Africa’s Future: Making a Difference through Research, Pan-African Professional Alliance Symposium, Penn State University, University Park, PA, April 2017.

Timothée Valentin, “From Clichy to Amiens: Emile Pouget and the Evolution of French Anarchism between 1891 and 1910.” Western Society for French History Conference, Cedar Rapids, IA, November 2016.

Vieux Touré, “Pan-Africanism at the Crossroads in Supra-Negritude by Kemi Seba?” Justice and Human Dignity in Africa and the African Diaspora, African Literature Association 42nd Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2016.

Elizabeth Tuttle, “Madeleine Pelletier’s Voyage aventureux en Russie communiste: Politics and the Body.” Western Society for French History Conference, Cedar Rapids, IA, November 2016.

Katharine Hargrave, “Foucauldian Archaeology and the Rameauian Libretto.” SHARP (Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing) Conference, Paris, July 2016.

Theresa Brock, “Chaste Speech, Feigned Silence: Gender, Virtue, and Subversive Dialogue in Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron.” Women in French Conference, Gettysburg, PA, June 2016.

Carl Cornell, “Digital Humanities, the Undergraduate Classroom, Feminist Scholarship: The Theoretical Possibilities of Upsetting Centers and Margins.” Table Ronde presentation with Prof. Bénédicte Monicat, Women in French Conference, Gettysburg, PA, June 2016.

Lauren Tilger, “Pratiques d’écriture transgenre: Transgenre Writing of Transgender Characters in Gabriel and Clémentine, orpheline et androgyne.” Women in French Conference, Gettysburg, PA, June 2016.

Theresa Brock, “The Diversion of Mystery: Literary Veiling and the Spectacular Other in Madame de La Fayette’s Zaïde.” North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature Conference, Orlando, FL, June 2016.

Marie Paillard, “Médée: monstre ou mauvaise mère?”. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Lexington, KY, April 2016.

Andrew Jones, “Jean-Pierre Melville’s Le Silence de la mer (1949): A Levinasian Encounter with the Other.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference. Cambridge, MA, March 2016.

Marie Paillard, “Médée: monstre ou mauvaise mère?” KFLC: The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference, Lexington, KY, April 2016.

Theresa Brock, “Women’s Words at War: Conflictual Spaces and Foucauldian Subjectivation in the Heptaméron.” Seiziémistes of the Mid-Atlantic Conference, Lexington, VA, Dec. 2015.

Elizabeth Tuttle, “‘’Les Contagions de l’esprit’: Science et politique dans Les Microbes humains de Louise Michel.” Nineteenth-Century French Studies Conference, Princeton, NJ, November 2015.

Johann Le Guelte, “Parfums de Décadence: Effluves Miasmatiques dans Le Journal d’une Femme de chambre et Le Calvaire d’Octave Mirbeau.” Nineteenth-Century French Studies Conference, Princeton, NJ, November 2015.

Anna Navrotskaya, “From  The  Burning  Brazier  to The  Rules  of  the  Game:  Silent  Ivan  Mosjoukine  Speaking  to Jean Renoir.” 40 Years of Contemporary French Civilization Conference, Baltimore, MD, September 2015.

Carl Cornell, “Industrial  Memory:  Rebuilding  Cultural  Identity  in  Today’s  Angoulême.” 40 Years of Contemporary French Civilization Conference, Baltimore, MD, September 2015.

Andrew Stafford, “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword?: Adaptation as Cultural Weapon in Posy Simmonds’s Gemma Bovery.” Romance Studies Colloquium, Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom, July 2015.

Lauren Tilger, “Discours sur l’hermaphrodite, discours de l’hermaphrodite: Les Mémoires d’une travestie dans Clémentine, Orpheline et androgyne.” ACEF-XIX conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 2015.

Hélène Huet, “Mapping Decadence,” Digital Projects Showcase, SHARP (Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 2015.

Hélène Huet (and Prof. Bénédicte Monicat). “Women’s Instructional Writings in Nineteenth-Century France: A Digital Bibliography.” Women’s History in the Digital World Conference, Bryn Mawr, PA, May 2015.

Andrew Jones,”‘Je…vous…aime’: Alphaville and the Problem of Modernity.” International Colloquium in 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies, Baton Rouge, LA, February-March 2015.

Cédric Briand, “Lanzelet’s First Feel: Shame, Sorrow and Gender Crisis in Lanzelet.” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Vancouver, BC, Canada, January 2015.

Carl Cornell, “Van Cauwelaert’s Un Aller Simple as a Postmodern Rewriting of Gide’s L’Immoraliste,” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Vancouver, BC, Canada, January 2015.

Denise Rodriguez, “If I stay, it will be double: Deserting the French Penal Colonies to Find Work,” Western Society for French History Conference, San Antonio, TX, November 2014.

Sandra Rousseau, “Mais qu’est-ce donc qui les fait rire? Humor and Algerian Nationalism in M’Quidèch (1969-1972),” Western Society for French History Conference, San Antonio, TX, November 2014.

Theresa Brock, “Escaping to Infancy: The Infinite as Creative Ailleurs in Baudelaire’s ‘Confiteor de l’artiste,” Nineteenth-Century French Studies Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2014.

Carl Cornell, “Urban Agency: A Psychogeographical Reading of Denise’s Fuites in Au Bonheur des dames, Nineteenth-Century French Studies Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2014.

Hélène Huet, “Decadent Imaginations: The Role of Illustrations in the Books of Joris-Karl Huysmans and Marcel Schwob,” Nineteenth-Century French Studies Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2014.

Johann Le Guelte, “Clichés post-mortem: La Poétique de la ville morte dans l’âge de la photographie,” Nineteenth-Century French Studies Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 2014.

Lauren Tilger, “Constructing Memories in Marguerite Duras’ La douleur (1985) and Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein (1964),” Women in French Conference, Guelph, Canada, May 2014.

Elizabeth Tuttle, “Between Two Worlds: The Memoirs of Marie D’Agoult,” Women in French Conference, Guelph, Canada, May 2014.

Theresa Brock, “Archiving the Impossible: Memory, Imagination, and Literarity in the Diary of Eugénie de Guérin,” Women in French Conference, Guelph, Canada, May 2014.

Grace Thompson, “The Power of Imagination: the Self as the Other in Eberhardt’s Travel Writing,” Women in French Conference, Guelph, Canada, May 2014.

Denise Rodriguez, “Sisyphus’ Punishment: Views on Labor at the Penal Colonies (1885-1938)” Society for French Historical Studies Conference, Montréal, Canada, April 2014.

Grace Thompson, “The Female Travel Writer as Currency,” 20/21st French and Francophone Studies Conference, New York, NY, March 2014.

Anna Navrotskaya, “Des lieux imaginaires aux non-lieux: le geste autoréflexif chez Marc Augé et Didier Van Cauwelaert,” MLA Convention, Chicago IL, January 2014.

Anna Navrotskaya, “La performance et l’identité culturelle en transformation: D’Afrique à Toulouse,” MLA Convention, Chicago IL, January 2014.