20th and 21st-century literary and cultural studies; theories of the avant-garde, modernism and postmodernism; the contemporary French city; Eastern European francophonieEducation
Professional Bio
Professor Yaari works from an interdisciplinary perspective across several disciplines: literature, architecture, and the visual arts. Over the years her interests have expanded from literary modernism to questions of instability of meaning in art and architecture, theories and practices of urban space, expressions of identity in the visual arts, and Eastern European transnational writers and artists in their historical contexts. She has contributed to advancing the development of the “spatial turn” in French studies and to shaping the field of French cultural studies. Yaari has been the recipient of international research grants from the Fulbright and IREX Programs and from the Camargo Foundation. Her passion for cities and her quadrilingual proficiency have both been instrumental in her research.
Recent publications:
Yaari, Monique, and Timothy Shipe, eds. From Dada to Infra-noir: Dada, Surrealism, and Romania. Spec. issue of Dada/Surrealism 20 (2015). Web. <http://ir.uiowa.edu/dadasur/vol20/iss1/>. 411 pp.
Yaari, Monique, ed. “Infra-noir”, un et multiple: un groupe surréaliste entre Bucarest et Paris, 1945-1947. Art and Thought 1. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2014. 418 pp, 155 ill.
Yaari, Monique. Rethinking the French City: Architecture, Dwelling, and Display after 1968 . Architecture/Technology/Culture 2. Amsterdam/NY: Brill, 2008. xxxiv. 491 pp, 100 ill.
Representative articles:
- "L’Ironie moderniste dans l’oeuvre de Gide: une question de genre." Special issue on L’Ironie dans les productions (para)littéraires en langue française au XXe siècle. Ed. Isabelle Moreels. Cuadernos de Filología Francesca 21 (2010): 131-47.
- "Interview with François Barré." Contemporary French and Francophone Studies / Sites 11.3 (Aug. 2007): 341-49.
- "La Ville, le Centre et l’après-moderne." In Le Centre Georges Pompidou a 30 ans. Ed. Bernadette Dufrêne. Paris: CGP, 2007. 18-21.
- "Toward a Cultural Curriculum for Graduate Studies: The Case of French." ADFL Bulletin 33.2 (Winter 2002): 33-49.
- "Who/What Is the Subject? Representations of Self in Late Twentieth-Century French Art." Word and Image 16.4 (Oct-Dec 2000): 363 -377.
- "Combas & Co., or The Figure and the Great Divide." Studies in Twentieth-century Literature 20.2 (Summer 1996): 351-80.
Current and recent courses:
Graduate seminars:
The Contemporary French City
Approaches to French Civilization
Undergraduate courses:
Contemporary French Literature
Contemporary Paris
Introduction to French Literature II
Introduction to French Civilization II