Early Modern French Literature and Philosophy; Theater Theories and Performance Studies; Literary Criticism and TheoryEducation
Professional Bio
Attentive to contemporary French literature, theater, and intellectual debates, Jean-Claude Vuillemin has published extensively on early-modern literature and philosophy, theater and performance reception, and literary theories. Inspired by Montaigne, Nietzsche, and Foucault, he has challenged in Épistémè baroque: le mot et la chose (2013) the ideological truism of “French classicism” and promoted the notion of baroque as a pertinent theoretical concept apt to characterize not only architecture and visual arts, but also literature, philosophy, and intellectual history. Affiliated with several research institutes in France (U. Paris-8, CNRS, U. Paris-4 Sorbonne, U. Lyon-2), JC Vuillemin frequently lectures on both sides of the Atlantic. He has recently completed a comprehensive critical bibliography on Jean de Rotrou and, after Foucault l’intempestif (Hermann, 2019), he is exploring the “souci de soi” (επιμέλεια ηεαυτου) in Montaigne, Pascal, Nietzsche, and…Foucault.
FR 597: L’écriture de soi: Montaigne et la philo-selfie
FR 597: Michel Foucault: des pensées “en marche”
FR 597: Montaigne Reads Foucault: Hermeneutics of Modernity
FR 597: Michel Foucault: Archeology, Genealogy, Ethics
FR 535: Cultural Performances: Theories and Practices
FR 571: Literary Theory and Criticism
FR 533: Baroque Episteme. 17th-Century French Literature and Intellectual History
- “Illusions comiques et illusions optiques: l’œil baroque," Études romanes, 40, 2 (2019): 143-158.
- Foucault l’intempestif. Paris, Hermann, coll. “Philosophie”, 2019.
- “Philosopher (d’) après Foucault,” Philosophie, science et société, March, 2019. https://philosciences.com/philosophie-generale/la-philosophie-et-sa-critique/375-philosopher-foucault.
- “Vanités: une invitation à jouir et à se réjouir?,” Quêtes littéraires, 8 (2019): 9-20.
- “Épistémologie du regard au seuil de la modernité”, Europe, 96, 1069, (mai 2018), 295-312.
- “Seuils et discontinuités chez Michel Foucault: vers un sujet ‘post-cartésien’ ?,” Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 21, 4 (2018): 389-97.
- “Foucault archéologue: généalogie d’un concept,” Implications Philosophiques, October 2017, http://www.implications-philosophiques.org/implications-epistemologiques/foucault-archeologue-genealogie-dun-concept/
- Jean de Rotrou: bibliographie critique. openpublishing.psu.edu/rotrou 2017
- Epistémè baroque: le mot et la chose. Paris: Hermann, coll. "Savoirs Lettres", 2013.
- “Foucault et le classicisme: les œillères de l’histoire (littéraire),” Fabula-LHT(Littérature, histoire, théorie), 11, (online, Novembre 2013)
- “Pratique théorique et jouissance théâtrale,” Poétique, 174 (2013): 189-213
- “Réflexions sur l’épistémè foucaldienne,” Cahiers Philosophiques, 130 (2012): 39-50
- “Theatrum mundi: l’usage des mirages,” Le Magazine Littéraire, 499 (2010): 66-8
- “Réflexions sur la réflexivité théâtrale,” L’Annuaire Théâtral, 45 (2010): 119-35