Mission Statement
The French and Francophone Studies Graduate Organization (FFGO) at The Pennsylvania State University is comprised of all the graduate students of the Penn State French and Francophone Studies Department. Throughout the year the FFGO promotes student-centered events such as the Majors and Minors Interest night held in fall and largely organized by the FFGO. The FFGO also provides a liaison between graduate students and faculty members with representatives in both graduate committee and faculty meetings. Finally, the FFGO is responsible for the organization of one table ronde a year, which includes choosing a speaker whose interests largely correspond with those of the graduate students.
The executive committee of the FFGO is composed of five student members. All graduate students are invited to monthly meetings where they can present their views and concerns about the life of their department, college, university, and profession. Students discuss and vote on issues throughout the year at these regular meetings, namely concerns and suggestions to bring to the department’s attention. The FFGO also holds an annual plenary meeting (at the end of the spring semester) and elects officers for the following academic year.
Communication being crucial to the work of the FFGO, the organization encourages the active participation of every student in the department.
Officers (2022-2023)
President: Timothée Valentin
Vice President/Mentorship Coordinator: Laurie Dubois
Treasurer/Events Coordinator: Kwasi Ketchore
Graduate Committee Representative: Marina Dikosso-Bebe
Events Committee: Xiaoxi Li, JoAnn Michel