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Joseph Mwantuali

Joseph Mwantuali

Joseph E. Mwantuali is Professor of French (20th century, avant-garde), African and Caribbean literature, and Francophone Studies in the department of French and Francophone Studies at Hamilton College. He earned his Ph.D. at the Pennsylvania State University in 1996. Mwantuali is a literary essayist, a poet, and a novelist. His major publications include Michel Leiris et le Négro-Africain (1998), a volume of short stories, Séptuagénaire (1999), the novels L’impair de la nation (2007) and Tu le diras à ma mère (2015, also published in English in 2013 as Tell This to My Mother), and Le Discours Africain à l’ère des exorcistes (2014). Professor Mwantuali has also taught in other institutions as a visiting professor (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Yaoundé; Cameroun, Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de la Gombe, Kinshasa, Congo, DRC), and directs MA theses and Ph.D. dissertations in different institutions around the world.

Joseph Mwantuali