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E-Projects developed by graduate student instructors in their undergraduate classes

E-Projects developed by graduate student instructors in their undergraduate classes

FR 139 – France and the French-Speaking World
Instructors: Sophia Khadraoui & Sandra Rousseau

FR 139 E-Newsletter – Special Edition Spring 2011

By studying the artistic, social and intellectual components of French and Francophone cultures, FR139 students develop an appreciation of the intricate relationships that unite France and the French-speaking world, a crucial acquisition in today’s “global village.”
At the end of the semester, two days were devoted to the presentation of posters. Students teamed with three other classmates and set up a poster on a French or Francophone theme. During these two sessions, all students had to display and present their work to the public which was composed of the class members, instructors and the general public.

FR 410 – La Presse et les Médias Français

Editeur et Rédacteur en Chef : Sophia Khadraoui

Le Lion Déchaîné. Semestriel – N° 1 – Automne 2010
 E-journal publié par la classe FR 410

L’idée est de mettre en pratique concrète les différents aspects de la presse étudiés en classe et de se familiariser avec le langage et l’écriture journalistiques français tout cela en créant un journal type presse écrite (Le Monde, Libération, Le Figaro etc.).
Ce projet qui s’étend sur tout le semestre est le fruit d’une collaboration commune à toute la classe. Au niveau individuel, chaque étudiant, en tant que journaliste, est responsable d’un ou de plusieurs articles.

Published: November 5, 2014